How Long Distance Energy Healing Works

I’m frequently asked “How can you work on someone long distance?” People who haven’t experienced long distance energy work have difficulty comprehending that it isn’t necessary for me to be in the same room, city or state as my client to perform the work. The answer to their question gradually leads them on a journey to discover a world that is much more than what they see and touch.

Usually a person contacts me because they’ve learned that my long distance healing work has been successful for someone they know. They may not understand the process, but want to believe in it because they need help for themselves or their pets.

Others who call me already know that energetic healing is powerful. These clients are seeking an alternative when traditional treatments have failed. They realize that true healing must take place on many levels, and long distance energetic healing will compliment traditional medical and psychotherapy treatments.

During a long distance energetic healing session information is revealed that is normally hidden.

Connecting at a soul level allows this knowledge to be available without distractions or distortions. This is very helpful when working with animals. It’s also helpful with people because details emerge that are unavailable during “talk therapy”. Information is stored in our bodies and energetic centers (chakras) as well as our minds, and often times our history needs to be cleared at these levels before we can truly heal. After the clearing, patterns of repeating one’s story and reliving the past are broken. This provides an opportunity for enlightenment and solutions.

So how does long distance energy healing work? Faith? Intention? Gifts? Skill? Yes. In his book How to Know God, Deepak Chopra writes "The medicine man turns a mental image into physical reality - in fact, this is what all miracle workers do. At the quantum level they "see" a new result, and in that vision the new result emerges." This quote embodies the use of faith, intention, gifts and skill in energetic healing. An important element in long distance energetic healing is what I refer to as the “Oneness”. It’s knowing that in some way we are all connected - people, animals, nature, and the spiritual realm. There’s a high speed energetic highway connecting all of us. John Muir, founder of the Sierra Club, referred to this energetic highway as “the web” when he wrote about his union with nature. Norse mythology described it as a “Rainbow Bridge“ that connected their world with the gods.

For me, there’s a degree of wonder to long distance energetic healing. I’m continually amazed at what I see, hear and feel during these sessions. Sometimes the higher guidance takes me within a body to identify or hold an area that needs healing. Other times I’m used as a surrogate during the session with work performed by the spiritual realms. Blockages that need clearing may appear on a physical, emotional, mental, or even soul level. Guiding messages are frequently received from the higher realms during the long distance sessions to help the person or animal. Working within the Oneness also allows the plant and crystal spirits to offer their healing properties.

What I have learned after many years of long distance energetic work is to trust. Trust that each of us has the capability to heal and grow. Trust that we all have a connection to the Oneness that is ours to discover. Trust that there are healing energies available to us even when we cannot see or feel them.

You only need to open your mind and heart to explore worlds beyond and within.

© Maureen Sanders 2013

